Have you reached out to the Senate HELP Committee about today’s hearing? Take 5 minutes and follow this link: http://cqrcengage.com/casaa/app/write-a-letter?0&engagementId=48920 . Compose a paragraph or two, copy&paste it into the space provided, and send your state senator your concerns about the likely one-sided testimony they’re going to hear today from the FDA & CDC.
* This is especially important for vapers living states with senators actually on the committee, but remember, these guys pass each other in the hall ;) Also, the meeting starts at 2:30p ET so, get crackin.
* If you are inclined to voluntarily elevate your blood pressure, you can listen to the hearing here: http://www.capitolhearings.org/Hearing/SSHR00201405151430/dirksen430.aspx
The aforementioned tool for effectively contacting your elected officials is NOT FREE. Please Join and Donate to CASAA to help sustain this and future actions. And, as always, #TellYourFriends!
Spread the Word:
Fight the #NYC Indoor VapeBan!
Donate Here: http://www.nycclash.com/E-CigLegalFund.html
Tell Your Friends:
Of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t include another comprehensive pack of tweets for HELP Cmte Members. Remember, vendors and manufacturers can’t tell anyone about how #ECigs help people stop smoking… but we, as consumers, are bound by no such restriction.
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Thank You!
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