Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thursday, 05.01.14 - Fight for Your Right to #Vape - Daily Action Plan

Please Help Spread the Word about CASAA, SFATA, & the AVA.  Let’s get as many #Vapers and their Friends/Family on the Roster as possible:
Fight the #NYC Indoor VapeBan!

Let’s keep reaching out to members of the House E&C Committee on Health and let them know that CDC Dir. Tom Frieden’s lobbying to regulate #ecigs is informed by fantasy:
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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wednesday, 04.30.14 - Fight for Your Right to #Vape - Daily Action Plan

If you’re new to Vaping and/or the Daily Action Plan take a moment to Join, Donate to, and Tell Your Friends (Non-Vapers Too!) about these Groups:
Help #CASAA Help You Keep #SmokeFree Alternatives Available!
Donate to #SFATA & Help protect the future of #ECigarettes! -
The American Vaping Association (AVA) Wants to Hear Your Vaping Story & Promote Positive Media about The Industry and its Consumers -
Fight the #NYC Indoor VapeBan!

Steal this Tweet & Guide it to a Media Outlet Near You:

"[#FDA regs] are a slow-motion ban of the high quality #ecigarettes that have helped so many [#QuitSmoking]." - #CASAA
Let’s send some perspective to members of the Energy & Commerce Health Cmte. regarding CDC Dir. Tom Frieden’s fantastical world of “Maybe Ecigs Eat Babies”:
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Tuesday, 04.29.14 - Fight for Your Right to #Vape - Daily Action Plan

Help #CASAA Help You Keep #SmokeFree Alternatives Available!
#TellYourFriends -
Help protect the future of #ECigarettes!  Donate to #SFATA -
Tell Your Friends:
Visit the American #Vaping Association at
Donate, Tell Your Story, and…
Tell Your Friends:
Fight the #NYC Indoor VapeBan!
Tell Your Friends:
Let’s round out the members on the #California GO Cmte and express opposition to AB1500.  Also, an event is being organized in advance of the hearing on the 30th (follow the link for details)
Steal This Tweet (and guide it toward someone in local/national media)! :

- #FDA regulation of #ecigarettes: huge costs, little or no benefit. via CASAA -

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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Monday, 04.28.14 - Fight for Your Right to #Vape - Daily Action Plan

** For the Foreseeable Future a plea for new members and donations to reputable pro-THR and Vaping Orgs will be at the top of the list on the Daily Action Plan.**
Spread the Word & Encourage New and Veteran #Vapers & Vendors to UNITE under a common banner:

Help #CASAA Help You Keep #SmokeFree Alternatives Available!
Help protect the future of #ECigarettes!  Donate to #SFATA -

“100% of your donation will directly fund projects to support advancements in the electronic cigarette industry. SFATA works with government agencies to promote positive change and funds independent research studies. Your donation will help ensure the future of electronic cigarettes is secure for years to come.”
#AVA - The American Vaping Association is an organization that was created primarily for the purpose of positive media advocacy for vaping and electronic cigarettes.
#California AB 1500 has been set for a hearing on Wednesday, April 30th, 2014.

Let’s reach out to Assembly Members on the Cmte on Governmental Organization and remind them that AB1500 is bad for business and harmful to public health:
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Sunday, 04.27.14 - Fight for Your Right to #Vape - Weekend Action Plan

The Social Media Lobbying of Lawmakers will resume on Monday.  However, right now the most important thing we can do is support the organizations that are focused and resolved to defend our smoke free choices.

Help CASAA Help You Keep #SmokeFree Alternatives Available!

Help protect the future of #ECigarettes!  Donate to SFATA -

“100% of your donation will directly fund projects to support advancements in the electronic cigarette industry. SFATA works with government agencies to promote positive change and funds independent research studies. Your donation will help ensure the future of electronic cigarettes is secure for years to come.”
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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday, 04.23.14 - Fight for Your Right to #Vape - Daily Action Plan

Let’s round out the list of #NewJersey Senators and help them see that taxing #Ecigs is misguided.


Help CASAA Help You Keep SmokeFree Alternatives Available!

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday, 04.22.14 - Fight for Your Right to #Vape - Daily Action Plan

Fight for Your Right to #Vape - Daily Action Plan
#NewJersey Is still looking to expand their indoor vaping prohibition to outdoor parks and beaches, still considering a punitive tax on #Ecigs, and still bans vaping in all indoor public spaces.  Let’s reach out to some NJ Senators and let them know we’re Still paying attention:

At the time of this post, there is still now link to a story or draft ordinance but, word on the street is that Watauga, Texas has wisely repealed their ordinance that would have outlawed the sale of ecigs.

I’ll update as soon as I’m aware.  In the meantime, if you happen to see a vaper, vendor, or city council member from Watauga → give them a big fat hug!
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