Today is the Great American Smokeout. You would think that by now, with all of the mounting evidence that smokers are successfully switching to vaping in droves, the American Cancer Society and other “public health” groups would acknowledge the benefits and potential of ALL #smokefree products. ...
For more background on why ACS is no friend to #vapers and generally hostile toward all Tobacco #HarmReduction, please see here: http://antithrlies.com/tag/acs/
Take a moment today to tell the ACS how #vaping has helped you quit or reduce your smoking. You can participate here: https://brodeur.wufoo.com/forms/what-did-you-get-when-you-quit-smoking/
Here are a few pre-filled, completely editable tweets to tell ACS orgs and their staff how vaping has helped you quit smoking:
Help #CASAA Help You Keep #SmokeFree Alternatives Available. Join for Free
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