Saturday, December 6, 2014

Glimpses Through The Mist: Are e-cigarettes the new condom?

Glimpses Through The Mist: Are e-cigarettes the new condom?:

For anyone who is under the age of 30, you may not remember the time when condom advertising barely existed, let alone cheeky commercials playing over and over on late-night television. The understanding we have today of safe sex practices were actually quite controversial even in an age when HIV/AIDS was at the height of public fear. ...

Via Kristin Noll-Marsh


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, 11.20.14 - Fight for Your Right to #Vape - Daily Action Plan


Today is the Great American Smokeout.  You would think that by now, with all of the mounting evidence that smokers are successfully switching to vaping in droves, the American Cancer Society and other “public health” groups would acknowledge the benefits and potential of ALL #smokefree products. ...

For more background on why ACS is no friend to #vapers and generally hostile toward all Tobacco #HarmReduction, please see here:
Take a moment today to tell the ACS how #vaping has helped you quit or reduce your smoking.  You can participate here:

Here are a few pre-filled, completely editable tweets to tell ACS orgs and their staff how vaping has helped you quit smoking:


Help #CASAA Help You Keep #SmokeFree Alternatives Available. Join for Free
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, 11.19.14 - Fight for Your Right to #Vape - Daily Action Plan

This Thursday (tomorrow), is the American Cancer Society’s “Great American Smokeout”.  It’s a pretty safe bet that social media will be ablaze with tips and tricks to help the heathen smoking masses kick the habit.  So, let’s take back the airways.

Here’s the plan:
ACS has several national social media accounts flanked on all sides by state and local ACS cells.  Via FB and Twitter, lets take a moment to tell ALL of them how vaping has changed our lives.  Whether you quit completely or reduced your smoking, the ACS and Smokeout participants should know how we did it.  They should know there are options beyond DIY hypnosis, gimmicky NRTs, and drugs that put people at risk for suicide and violence.  They should know that vaping saves lives!

Here’s a few things to get warmed up:

  • Consider writing letters to the editor explaining how vaping has benefitted you, your friends, and your family.

Help #CASAA Help You Keep #SmokeFree Alternatives Available. Join for Free
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Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday, 10.20.14 - Fight for Your Right to #Vape - Daily Action Plan

Two very different cities (NYC & PHL) with two very predictable and dangerous anti-vaping proposals on the table.

Flavor bans and Taxes will be all the rage in 2015.  Let’s keep reaching out to these cities and keep the pressure on city lawmakers to reject this harmful legislation.
#CASAA Call to Action: New York City is Considering Banning the Sale of Flavored E-Cigarettes and E-Liquids
Help #CASAA Help You Keep #SmokeFree Alternatives Available. Join for Free
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Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday, 10.17.14 - Fight for Your Right to #Vape - Daily Action Plan

Some of you may remember the twitter lashing we gave the City of #Chicago back in January over their indoor use ban.  Now, our efforts have been immortalized in the annals of politically motivated “science”.  

Without getting into too much detail, it’s important to point out that the authors of this study have grossly misrepresented the definition of “astroturfing” by warping it to include citizen lobbying.  Yes, there are vaping advocates here that have joined twitter for the sole purpose of participating in the daily action plan.  That’s fine, and frankly the internet doesn’t really need anymore pictures of brunch or more opinions about what so-and-so was wearing at that awards show.  If one of these tweets happens to land you a conversation with a policy maker (in any medium) then it’s a success.
But seriously folks,

Philadelphia Councilmember Blondell Reynolds Brown has introduced a bill that would levy insane taxes on vapor products sold within the city limits.  It would appear that the only creative solution she has found to deal with the city’s budget woes is to inflict harm on vapers and future ex-smokers.
#CASAA Call to Action: New York City is Considering Banning the Sale of Flavored E-Cigarettes and E-Liquids
Help #CASAA Help You Keep #SmokeFree Alternatives Available. Join for Free
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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday, 10.16.14 - Fight for Your Right to #Vape - Daily Action Plan

With a flavor ban in #Massachusetts, another one on the horizon in #NYC, and now an INSANE tax on #vapor devices and liquids in #Philadelphia, it’s been an interesting week for the NE Corridor.

Lets make some noise (yes, there’s a lot of them. #notsorry):
#CASAA Call to Action: New York City is Considering Banning the Sale of Flavored E-Cigarettes and E-Liquids
Help #CASAA Help You Keep #SmokeFree Alternatives Available. Join for Free
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